Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Boxed Cbs LP AUS VBOX1 1978 SOC, quad, green-red label.
view Incantations Unknown LP AUS VGL70111 1978 Testpressing. No PC
view Incantations Festival Records Pty LP AUS L70111 1978 Contains EP "Take Four"
view Incantations Festival Records Pty LP AUS L70111 1978 Reissue
view The Orchestral Tu... Virgin LP AUS V2026 1978 Promo. Green-red label
view Exposed Festival Records Pty LP AUS L70127 1979 2LP. White art label. SOC. Pr...
view Exposed Festival Records Pty LP AUS L70127 1979 2LP, White label. Testpressing...
view Exposed Festival Records Pty LP AUS L70127 1979 2LP, White art label. SOC
view Platinum Festival Records Pty LP AUS L37150 1979 Art label. With inner sleeve.
view Platinum Virgin LP AUS V2141 1979
view Platinum Virgin LP AUS V2141 1979 Promo. Green/red label.
view Hergest Ridge Cbs LP AUS MX194572 1980 Green-red label
view Hergest Ridge Cbs LP AUS V2013 1980 Promo. Green/red label.
view Platinum Virgin LP AUS VGL37150 1980 WL Test pressing, no PC
view Qe2 Festival Records Pty LP AUS L37457 1980
56 Item(s)
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